+90 533 198 26 79
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+90 533 198 26 79

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You can view your quote and convert it into a booking online by logging onto www.autorent4you.com through the query link sent to you and simply click the 'Make a Reservation' button. Alternatively, you can also call us at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 to make a Phone Booking.

In a situation like this, it is advisable that, you should immediately get in touch with us on the helpline number +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 Also, you can e-mail us: istanbul@autorent4you.com

Although the flight details given by you will help your car rental company to keep a check on situations like flight delay or cancellation, it is still advisable that you inform us regarding the situation of your flight. Any failure to do so on your part might incur extra charges.

Due to child seat being mandatory in most of the countries, we do provide child seat facility as an 'extra' along with your rental. You must make a request in advance, at the time of booking. All such extras are paid locally at the rental desk.

In an event, where you arrive at the office when it is closed you must call the supplier to inform about the same. The contact number and other related information about the supplier is provided in your confirmation voucher. The supplier will try to arrange a pick up facility, but usually after hours pick up costs extra local fee. You are requested to confirm the same from your supplier.

Cars displayed on www.autorent4you.com are for guidance and might differ from the actual versions available on road. Moreover, not all cars are displayed on our website and that's why you can see an "or similar" tag with the car name. Thus, in a situation where you can't find your car please call to get information on the availability of the vehicle you want.

When and if, voucher received by you have incorrect information, please contact our team at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 or email us at  istanbul@autorent4you.com. Our team will assist you in your problem regarding voucher information.

You will need a valid credit card in the lead driver's name, as most rental companies require this for the security deposit.

A flight number provides your supplier with your flight arrival information, which helps them to keep a check on issues like flight delay or cancellation, in turn keeping a check on the car availability in such cases.

Age limit for renting a car depends on the country you are renting a car in and also on the car rental supplier. You will be advised at the time of booking about the restrictions in place, and this will also be shown on the rental documentation.

Generally, the driving age ranges from 25 to 75 years, however, most car rental suppliers do allow rentals for drivers below the age of 25 years against a Young Driver Surcharge. Please refer to the "Rental Terms" link given against each car on the car search result page.

 If you are aged under 25 or over 65 and are at all in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact our team on +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85.

When a car is on request, it is likely due to a limited availability of the vehicle with the supplier. In such a case, we contact the supplier to confirm the availability status of the car based on which your booking shall be confirmed within 48 hours.

Incase the rental starts in the next 48 hours, then you are advised to get in touch with us by calling at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85, so that we can contact the supplier at the earliest to get the information regarding the availability of your car and revert back to you.

Security charges for a rental differ from supplier to supplier and country to country. Generally, you are informed about your security deposit or charges at the time of booking under the "Rental Terms" link for each car and this information is also included in your rental documentation.

VIPCars.com offers car rental price comparison and booking options on a single platform. You can book a car rental near you, anywhere in the world, with exclusive benefits like:

  • Cheapest Prices
  • Free Cancelation up to 48 hours
  • No hidden charges
  • 20,000+ Locations
  • 24/7 Booking Support
  • Booking Amendments

Upon reserving a car from AutoRent4You, you would be required to pay a small amount of the total payment amount at our website while the rest of the payment is to be made at the rental desk when you present your voucher to collect your booked car.

Any vehicle shown on the website is for guidance and can be substituted for different model or an upgraded model of the vehicle could be made available by the supplier.  Any refusal to such changes should be dealt directly with the supplier and not with AutoRen4You.

You might be charged by your supplier with local charges for reasons, including but not limited to, damage to the vehicle and refueling. During your vehicle booking and collection you will be provided with documents that will contain all the information regarding extra charges. If you find it difficult to understand the charges mentioned on your documents, you can contact us at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85. We will pass on your queries or comments to your supplier.

The information of a supplier is mentioned on the car rental confirmation voucher. The voucher also states information regarding pick up location, time and date of your rental. In case you are still not able to reach the supplier or locate the office, You can anytime get in touch with our support team via call or email.

In order to get in touch with us, you can email us at istanbul@autorent4you.com or call us at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85

You can amend your booking online using our "Manage Booking". Simply login, using your AutoRent4You reservation number and email ID and make the changes you want to, for your booking. This is the quickest and easiest way to make changes to your booking. We'll get your request and the same shall be processed as soon as possible.

You can add additional extras to your booking by using our "Manage Booking". Simply login, click 'Manage Booking', and add the extras you want. Alternatively, you can also call us at+90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 to request the extras for your booking.

Generally, confirmation voucher is mailed to you instantly after a successful payment transaction is recorded. However, in some cases, where the car is available on request or has a waiting status, it may take up to 48 hours for you to receive an email with a confirmation voucher. In a situation where you have not received any email after 48 hours of your booking, you must call us at+90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85.

If it's a next day pickup, we'll try to confirm the rental for you at the earliest.

Simply logon to the "Manage Booking" to make the desired changes. Once you login, you can add the flight details by clicking on the 'Modify Booking' option.

We provide you with easy online facility to cancel your booking. Simply logon to the "Manage Booking" and follow the cancel booking link. Alternatively, you can call us at +90 533 198 26 79  or +90 850 241 08 85. Please read the cancellation terms before proceeding.

Booking Cancellation Charges for Part Paid and Pre-Paid Rentals:

  • 100% refund of pre-payment will be made to the customer where the booking has been cancelled 48 hours before the pick up.
  • In cases, where booking has been cancelled when less than 48 hours are left for pick up, an amount of GBP 30 or equivalent will be retained.

Yes, you can extend your rental duration by simply visiting "Manage Booking". If you have not collected your car yet but would want to extend your booking for some more days, you can login online, visit the 'Manage Booking' section and update the date & time for returning the car. Your request will be sent for an approval and will be approved based on the vehicle availability. You will be intimated once the same has been approved.

One way rental for international and domestic destinations is possible; however, it would strictly depend on the country of rental and the rental company. When making an online booking, you can choose a different drop off location but you must know that a one way rental can cost you an additional fee, payable to the supplier, at the time of vehicle collection. Apart from online booking, we also have an assisting team which can be contacted at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 for more information.

The options for vehicle delivery are available. It depends on the rental company and the country where the rental has been requested. In some cases, an additional delivery/collection charges might incur. Prior to making such a booking, you must confirm about the vehicle delivery or collection facility by calling us at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85.

Rental inclusions vary from supplier to supplier and country to country, but generally a car rental will include services like collision damage waiver, airport & location fee, theft protection, local taxes and unlimited mileage. The inclusions are also displayed before booking a rental and can be seen by hovering your mouse pointer on the Price of the car in the car search results. You may also refer to the "Rental Terms" link in the car search result page or if you have already made a booking with us, please refer to your confirmation voucher. In case of any doubts, feel free to get detailed information on your rental inclusions, by calling us at +1-914-368-0091 or +44-208-196-9510.

Collision Damage Waiver:

With this insurance, you are covered against the damage to the rental car. An excess charge is, however, payable by you towards the cost of the repair. The excess amount will depend on the supplier and the vehicle type. This waiver does not include intentional damage by using incorrect fuel, damage to tyres, loss of keys, damage/gross negligence and damage   caused due to the breach of rental agreement.

For domestic customers in US and Canada, rates generally do not include CDW.

Theft Wavier:

Theft waiver reduces your liability in an event of theft of the rented vehicle. An excess charge is, however, applicable for you to be paid in an event of a theft. The excess amount will depend on the supplier and the vehicle type.


For domestic customers in US and Canada, rates generally do not include THW.

Third Party Liability Insurance

This insurance covers your liability against any damage caused to other people and/or other people's property. An excess charge is, however, to be paid by you above the value of the insurance.

For domestic customers in US and Canada, rates generally do not include Third Party Liability.

Generally, Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Theft Waiver (THW) are included in your rental, however, you must check the "Rental Terms" link against the car you are booking, in the car search results, or if you have already made a booking, you may refer to your confirmation voucher.

AutoRent4You covers all the basic charges in your deal, but there might come situations where you will have to pay extra. The additional charges might include Contract Fee - South Africa, Licensee Fees in Barbados & Jersey and Government Tax - Australia. Other additional charges payable locally includes conditions like child seats, additional drivers, or additional services like domestic one ways or extra insurance. All such extra charges will be covered in the information provided to you at the time of booking your rental service. All such extra costs should be clarified with the supplier at the time of rental.

During the time of vehicle collection, you must have your rental voucher, valid driving license and a credit card in the driver's name. Also, it is advisable that you do carry other means of identifications like Passport. For any other information as to what might be required at the time of rental, please refer to the terms and conditions of the supplier, sent along with your confirmation voucher. Alternatively, you may confirm the same by calling us at +1-914-368-0091 or +44-208-196-9510.

All complaints pertaining to the online booking and technical issues related to website must be emailed to us at istanbul@autorent4you.com and we will address them right away. For rental service or cars related complaints, we strongly advice you to take up the issue with the rental company directly.

It depends upon the country you are renting the car in and also on the supplier providing the service. You can get all the information regarding International or cross-border travel in the booking documentation, "Rental Terms" link and also on Terms and Conditions within the confirmation voucher. For more information contact us at +90 533 198 26 79 or +90 850 241 08 85 .

In a scenario, where you get involved in a mechanical car error or accidental event, you should quickly inform the local car rental firm. It is important for you to inform the accident or mechanical trouble within 24 hours. If it's an accident, you must also inform and involve local police and file a report giving the full details of third party involved.

An accidental scenario also requires you to fill a report form which must be submitted to the supplier, upon returning the car. Also, please do retain a copy of all the documents and reports with you for the records.

Although AutoRent4You ensures that the seating capacity of the vehicle is as accurate as possible, however, since, the vehicle data is sent by the supplier to AutoRent4You, any change in the vehicle specifications (including car capacity and vehicle type) at the time of rental should be dealt with the supplier only.

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